Grace & Grit

Welcome to
Grace & Grit

My name is Hannah, and starting a blog has been my vision for several years. I’m a young adult in college, rebounding from the hardest yet most restorative years of my life. I created this blog to share my experiences, draw attention to personal healing, and create connections through shared human experiences. In my deepest pits, I searched for anything and anyone who would understand what I was going through, no longer wanting to believe I was the only one. Now, I want to be that beacon of hope for others who may need guidance.
embracing power, passion, and purpose through authenticity and vulnerability

What is Grace?

What is Grit?

Grace:                                                                                   simple elegance; a gift that involves love and mercy given to others; courteous goodwill.                                                        

The first major pillar of Grace & Grit, as I strive to find grace for myself and for the people around me each day. It is a continual acknowledgment of humanity and the ability to see the beauty in everything around us.                                                                  In faith, grace is the love of God given to us undeserved and unearned; it is the demonstration of care and favor that Christ shows us. It is a glorious thing to behold and know to be true.

Grit:                                                                                       courage and resolve; strength of character

The second major pillar of Grace & Grit, as I develop the deep motivation, pursuit, and dedication that resides deep within. Grit is the driving force behind relentless action and passion, both of which are needed to overcome challenges.                                      It is this pull from inside that has brought me over my tallest mountains and allowed me to see the other side of my adversity. Finding what fuels your fire and drives you toward living your dreams is all a part of what grit contains.