Grace & Grit

February 2023

Self-Woth: You are yours before you are anybody else's

On Self-Worth

Self-Worth: the belief that you are fundamentally worthy and valuable as a person.
We often let external factors determine how valuable we are, rejecting the notion that our worth is found from within.
It’s time to speak on self-worth and know who we are is enough.

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Let's Talk About Depression

Let’s Talk About Depression

Depression is gaining recognition in today’s world as light is being shown on the mental illness. It is being exposed as a mental illness that disrupts daily living and mental processes, damages relationships, and isolates a person. Yet, it takes many more forms than we have traditionally been taught.
Let’s talk about depression and how it shows up in different realms, the secret ways it thrives, and what happens when we can’t see into someone’s mind.

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