Grace & Grit

August 2023

Your Weight may Change, But your Worth Does Not

Please Don’t Body Scan Me

Please don’t body scan me. You don’t need to scrape over my body, head to toe, and analyze me with your eyes.
Please don’t take in the size of my arms, the shape of my stomach, or the curve of my legs. You don’t need to judge me by the look of my body.

Please don’t make assumptions about my lifestyle, my choices, or my morality by the shape of my body. It’s unfair and based on ideal images of beauty.

Please don’t default to the snap judgments that accompany the societal implications of what it means to have a body that doesn’t fit ideals.
Please don’t justify or validate the size of your body based on the size of mine. You don’t need to compare or despair.

Please don’t minimize my existence or your relevance based on how we each look, move, or present. You don’t know my story based on the size of my hips or the structure of my body.

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You are not a burden. You are not a burden if you have depression. You are not a burden if you have anxiety. You are not a burden if you have to ask for help.

You Are Not A Burden

Struggling with mental illness is a hard-lived process. It is filled with confusion, exhaustion, doubt, fear, and a litany of emotions. Most of all, it is the constant internal struggle of believing negative thoughts and lies that you are a burden, that you are not enough, and that you are not worthy of human love and care.

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