Grace & Grit

3 Ways to Embrace Happiness

Living in a time of so much busyness, hustle, and hurt there is no shortage of stress and heartbreak. People are quick to complain about how busy they are, brag about how little sleep they have, or highlight what is wrong in the world or life. 

Claiming pain, frustration, and deprivation has become second nature and the norm in our world. Yet everyone also seems to claim they are pursuing happiness, wellness, and peacefulness in life. 

But we don’t have to live that way! We can accept what is joyous and blessed each day. We can proclaim the happiness inside ourselves. We can share the high points of life. 

Want to know how?

Let’s dig into it. 

Why is Happiness Taboo?

If we want to embrace and build a happy life, then why is being happy taboo? Why is it against the grain to say you are happy and well and balanced when asked how life is going? Why do we project negativity and expect positivity? 

  1. We don’t want to outshine or suppress others who are struggling. 
  2. It is hard to accept that life is truly good. 
  3. We don’t recognize what is truly going well in life over what isn’t. 
  4. There is an expectation to be stressed, tired, or struggling rather than thriving, peaceful, and happy. 
  5. It’s easier to see what is negative than positive. 

Stop Dimming Your Glimmers of Joy

You are allowed to have a happy life. You are allowed to have happy moments. You are allowed to have good parts of your day. Don’t minimize that! 

When you resist accepting and sharing the beautiful parts of life, you diminish their existence. 

You are worthy of the joy you feel when you see the sunrise, receive a gift, see a friend, laugh at a joke, engage in a hobby, or align with values. That is what makes life amazing! 

Stop dialing down the prominence and value of the glimmers that appear each day. Honor them, give thanks for them, and share them. 

Recognizing Blessings

We talk often about the power of gratitude. Recognizing and calling out the blessings in everyday life that we are thankful for has massive benefits for our mental health and outlook. 

But it can be uncomfortable to share these with people, especially when they don’t have the same outlook. 

Embrace your blessings! Knowing what is adding value and joy to your life is a good thing. Writing them, talking about them, and sharing them with others is what makes them tangible. 

When we become comfortable with recognizing blessings and sharing them, we interrupt the pattern of projecting negative aspects of our lives. 

Respond Authentically

When asked how your day is, how do you respond? 

Do you talk about the best parts of your day? Do you complain about every frustration or point of pain? Do you minimize the good or the bad? Or do you share what you truly felt about the day? 

Authentically responding to this question breaks down the expectation for a certain response. It allows you to embrace that your day was amazing! Or, it opens the door to seeking support and reflection. 

Accept that talking about a good day is not bragging or toxic positivity. Instead, it is the true recognition of a day well-lived. Be willing to share the good without the stigma that you are shining “too” bright.