Grace & Grit

About Me

flowers and mountains

One of the hardest questions ever known to man is, “Who are you?” This is often followed up by asking someone to describe themselves, opening up the space to even more possibilities. I have answered these prompts throughout the course of my life, and my answer is a little but different every time. However, in the last year I seem to have found the words to describe who I am and what I am becoming. 

I am a young woman in college, going through some of the hardest stages of my life. I am developing a greater love for myself alongside a better understanding of the world around me, and it is so beautiful! I have found my devotion to God’s Word and telling my story so that others may know that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel they may find themselves in.

Over the past 2 years, I have struggled with anorexia and going through recovery. While it has been the most painful and challenging process, it has led to the greatest amount of growth and developed my sense of self. 

I am a daughter of God, coming to find a greater faith in God over the last 4 years of my life. I have testimony and testimony of how He has carried me out of the darkest areas of my life and provided the richest amount of love and grace I could imagine. I love talking about Jesus and bringing understanding to those who have every been hurt by religion. 

I value authenticity, honesty, love, family, connection, and God’s Will. All of these take an important role in my life, and have built who I am today. I am by no means the happiest or luckiest person alive In fact, I believe that person doesn’t truly exist. Rather, I believe that we all have gone through pain and suffering in our life, which shapes us into who we are. It shows the world how strong and courageous we are. 

In a more general sense, I am from Colorado (born and raised!) and am enthusiastic about conversations about God, problems and solutions of mental health, saving our earth with sustainable practices, hiking the most beautiful mountains, and reading. I love all types of adventures, trying new and exciting things, being around other people, and coming up with new ideas. Yet I am also afflicted by a heavy dose of perfectionism and self-doubt.

My “To Be Read” list is longer than the Bill of Rights, but so is my “Read” list. I have 2 dogs who bring so much excitement and love to my life, often bringing me out of a mindset of loneliness or laziness. I am incredibly close with my family – my mom is definitely my best friend – and love going on adventures with them. 

I have felt the pull on my heart to tell my story, connect with people, and make myself seen to others. I created this blog to share my experiences, draw attention to personal healing, and create connections through shared human experiences. In my deepest pits, I searched for anything and anyone who would understand what I was going through, no longer wanting to believe I was the only one. Now, I want to be that beacon of hope for others who may need the guiding hand I so often searched for.

On this blog, you will find joyful lifestyle posts, vulnerable reflections, glimmers of inspiration, testimonies of faith, and all things REAL.