Grace & Grit


Hey there! I am Hannah, the writer of Grace and Grit Blog. I am passionate about what I write on my blog, and never take vulnerability or authenticity for granted. I hope that my posts bring a little bit of light and understanding to your world, and help you with what is afflicting you.

About Me

One of the hardest questions ever known to man is, “Who are you?” This is often followed up by asking someone to describe themselves, opening up the space to even more possibilities. I have answered these prompts throughout the course of my life, and my answer is a little but different every time. However, in the

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My Story

As a young girl, there wasn’t much more to life for me other than my grandparents’ garden, rope swings, butterflies, and my family. My fondest memories come from camping at the beach, weekend trips to the mountains, picnics at the zoo, and being tucked in at night. I was encircled with love and hope as

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