Grace & Grit


My Faith is in Jesus and all of the beautiful things that God has put into my life. During my highs and my lows, my faith has been foundational in who I am. This is where you can read about faith throughout trials, the great stories of God’s provision, and hope for when you feel lost.



Surrender is the opening of hands, the release of control, and the knowledge that God forever keeps you in His hands. We must choose to surrender to the ebb and flow of life, knowing that we are giving into a life of so much opportunity.

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Faith in The Fire

Often, when speaking with people who are in the middle of suffering and trials, I hear the narrative of someone who believes they are being wronged by God. The sentence, “Why would God let this happen?” comes up so many times, and I see anger flickering in their eyes. I understand this: wanting to blame

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