Grace & Grit


3 Ways to Embrace Happiness

In today’s world, it is second-nature to profess the sorrows and hurts of our days. It is easy to complain, vent, and grumble through our days when asked how we are doing. But what if you responded with joy? Happiness is a momentary feeling that deserves to be embraced, proclaimed, and celebrated.
Don’t hide your happiness! Read this article on the 3 ways to embrace your happiness and let it shine.

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Your Weight may Change, But your Worth Does Not

Please Don’t Body Scan Me

Please don’t body scan me. You don’t need to scrape over my body, head to toe, and analyze me with your eyes.
Please don’t take in the size of my arms, the shape of my stomach, or the curve of my legs. You don’t need to judge me by the look of my body.

Please don’t make assumptions about my lifestyle, my choices, or my morality by the shape of my body. It’s unfair and based on ideal images of beauty.

Please don’t default to the snap judgments that accompany the societal implications of what it means to have a body that doesn’t fit ideals.
Please don’t justify or validate the size of your body based on the size of mine. You don’t need to compare or despair.

Please don’t minimize my existence or your relevance based on how we each look, move, or present. You don’t know my story based on the size of my hips or the structure of my body.

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Combat Burnout

4 Steps to Combat Burnout

Burnout is the one-lane track to exhaustion, depression, and loss of self. Not only do we get swept up in self-deprecation when we fall prey to a defeated mindset, we also lack the focus to realign.

However, we can combat burnout before it starts taking a place in our life! Preventative actions are crucial to preventing burnout and leading a balanced life. Such practices allow for peace and joy to enter our life and energize us to keep moving forward.

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Combat Burnout

3 Ways to Identify Burnout

Today’s culture is centered around hustle and constant work as society promotes the idea that success is in tangible rewards. We expect ourselves to be constantly improving, producing, and gaining. But what happens when we face burnout? What happens when we become exhausted? These are the top ways to identify burnout and reflect on how you are showing up in your life right now.

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Treat People With Kindness

Kindness is the most beautiful thing we have to offer in this life, yet it can be hard at times. We are called to embrace humanity and love other people. We do this by showing kindness and lifting others up. The idea is shown in the small actions and practices. Be willing to treat everyone with kindness; it breeds love and joy within the world.

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