Grace & Grit

The Power of Gratitude Journaling

In my post 5 Daily Habits that Improve my Mental Well-Being, I mentioned my practice of a daily gratitude journal. This is something I prioritize in my morning to spark inspiration and joy in my heart and mind.

The power of gratitude is greatly underestimated. Consistent acknowledgment of life’s blessings brings peace and happiness as one begins to dissociate from the uncomfortable emotions and negative outlooks. A mindset of abundance and fulfillment begins to be more prominently felt.

As I take the time to consciously call out what is bringing me joy in my life, I notice more positivity moving into each of my days. For example, the more I give thanks for the opportunities I am blessed with for success, the more likely I am to recognize similar opportunities arising. Similarly, the more I recognize the blessing of having close friends, the more I reach out for those connections. When I give gratitude for the truly amazing things in my life, I am able to stay in a happier mindset and continue to be present with what I am thankful for.

Before I started to physically write out my gratitude, I would just hold them in my mind. While this worked for a while, it was an unsustainable practice as it was much easier to slip into a mindset of deprivation. I may have known that I had a lot in my life to be pleased with, yet I couldn’t grasp the depth of just how important those things were. Once I began to focus on very specific areas of my life that I was immensely thankful for and called them out on paper or out loud, I was able to hold tighter to the satisfaction in my experiences.

I have formulated a set of prompts that I answer each morning, which have provided the perfect way for me to open and close my day. As simple as these questions are, answering them has been pivotal for my mental health and maintaining a positive outlook on my life.

These prompts are a great way to get started with gratitude journaling, as they set the foundation to call out the good things happening in your life. I enjoy opening my day with appreciation and hope for the day to come, then closing the day with reflection and recognition.