Grace & Grit

Adopting a Positive Mindset

How to Adopt a Positive Mindset in 3 Steps

The key to living a life of peace, joy, and complete wellness is to adopt a positive mindset. This isn’t new information to anyone; we have gone through years of hearing quotes stating, “Positive mind, positive life!” Some people have naturally developed a positive mindset through their childhood, life experiences, education, and social influences. But what about those of us who can’t seem to shake the negative and unhelpful thoughts?

Lucky for you, I have learned, practiced, reinforced, and experienced the benefits of adopting a positive mindset. The best part: the process is only 3 steps!

Now you should take this with a grain of salt and a dose of reality. Creating a positive mindset is not a passive process or a quick step to living a better life. Rather, pursuing a peaceful and joyful existence takes commitment and daily practice. Ut I encourage you to take these 3 steps and apply them to your thought-life. You will begin to see the vast changes your life undergoes as your thoughts become kinder, your heart adopts stillness, and your brain finds peace.  

Why This Matters

Depression, anxiety, OCD, fear, and negativity all take hold of our thoughts. Each of these is a mental illness and therefore cannot be quickly removed from our brains. In other words, mental illness cannot simply be “shut off” and automatically changed to positivity, hope, and peace. Instead, you must learn and practice changes in your life, mind, and heart in order to adopt sustainable life changes.

The 3 steps I am writing about will bring lasting change to your mind and create a positive existence. You must be willing to take it to heart and apply it when the pesky thoughts try to deconstruct your life. You must be active in this practice and take captive the peaceful life you deserve!

Step 1: Catch Your “Problem” Thought

“Catching” your thoughts is simply stopping a negative thought. All the phrases passing through your mind that are deceitful, hopeless, fearful, anxious, minimizing, or discouraging are the thoughts that you must stop!

The more you let these phrases run through your mind, the more they are reinforced.

Let’s talk science for a moment. Our brain is made up of little grooves, similar to a hiking trail. The more we walk the same exact path, the deeper the path becomes. Similarly, as we practice new things, think about certain things, and adopt new habits, we create grooves in our brains that become second nature.

Interrupt the walk down negative paths by stopping your thoughts! Catch your thought before it continues. This is important to start changing these thoughts (you can’t change what you can’t see).

Step 2: Challenge Your “Problem” Thought

Once you catch a thought, do not stop to admire it! It is a chunk of coal that only makes your hands messy and stains the things you value. Your mind will start to feel lost when you stop and look at the negative thought as its message stains your brain.

Challenge your thought by labeling it as unhelpful. This tells your brain that the thought no longer has a place in your mind and is no longer a part of your truth. This step is the pivoting point between holding onto a harmful mindset and adopting a new one. At this point, you are calling out the line of destructive thoughts for what they are.

Claim that this thought is a lie and does not align with who you are. Affirm that you are making a change in your life by changing this lie. Expose the error in thinking by labeling the thought as negative and untrue to who you are.

Step 3: Change Your “Problem” Thought

The final step in this process is to change your thought. This begins to create new grooves in your brain as you are walking a new path. It may be tricky and uncomfortable at first, but it leads to cementing a positive mindset.

Changing your negative thought happens when you state what you want to be true. Create the opposite of what the negative thought is to “flip” it! Shift the narrative from limited beliefs, self-destruction, doubt, and fear to a narrative of capability, truth, peace, joy, and wonder.

When you create a new thought process, you are writing a new narrative for your life. You are taking the steps necessary to rid yourself of negative thoughts, so now step into the positive thoughts to make a new life!

This is often the most difficult step in the process because we have gone so long reinforcing and believing the damaging messages we tell ourselves. It is uncomfortable trying to learn something new, but the more we change our thoughts the easier it becomes!

The Takeaway

It is uncomfortable and challenging to adopt a new way of living, especially when that change is taking place within our brains. However, if you want to live a life of peace, joy, and elevated well-being then you must be willing to make changes.

When following these 3 steps, intentionally pay attention to the way your thought life is affecting your physical life. Catching your negative thoughts lets you pause before listening to the lies. Challenging the thoughts calls out the lies for what they are: destructive and unhelpful. Changing your thoughts puts you on the path toward a new life with endless possibilities.

I encourage you to write out these 3 steps and the process you go through with creating a positive mindset. Journal how things are changing in your life. Notice how your thoughts will start to be automatically positive and constructive. Get ready for the confidence, courage, hope, and harmony that will infiltrate your mind and your life!

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