Grace & Grit

It’s Okay to Mess Up – Embracing Humanity

It’s okay to mess up.

We live in a world made up of high expectations, lofty goals, beautiful hopes, and extreme methods of personal measurement. From the “perfect” photos we see influencers, the promotions our peers receive, the fad diets or challenges (thanks 75 Hard for nothing), and the message that we must always perform we develop the idea that we must always be the best.


Let’s dive into what it means to set goals for ourselves and celebrate achievement while embracing humanity and making mistakes.

What Goals Mean

Setting goals based on values, hopes, and passions is a major step in creating the life you want to live. Having a clear idea of what success means for you and the actions you need to take is what gets you there.

But what happens if you don’t meet a goal? Do you shame yourself for failing? Do you tell yourself you will never succeed because you slipped? Do you quit?

Because of the world we live in, we believe there is no room for falling short of our goals. We see people waving flags of success without showing that they also failed along the way.

When setting a goal, expect the best outcome but be prepared for what happens if you don’t reach it.
1. Assess why you didn’t succeed
2. Determine what you could do differently
3. Get back onto your feet and take action to learn from your mistake
IT IS OKAY TO MESS UP AND NOT MEET A GOAL – the key is that you get back on your feet and try again.

What it Means to Be Human

Take a minute and imagine a world in which every single person is successful. We all walk around doing exactly what is expected of us, getting every accolade we apply for, getting every promotion or high grade, and never falling short of what we want to achieve. You may see a world that is thriving, but in reality, our expectations would skyrocket, and we would fall into idle living.
We would not know what it means to work hard for something, there would be no means for celebration, and our passions would fail to fire our souls.

If God intended us to be perfect as He is, then we would miss the beauty of being human. We would have no reason to rely on Him. We would idolize ourselves and fall into a valley of destruction.

“To be human is to err.”

The remarkable part about being human is that we get to grow, learn, and develop. From the day we open our eyes, we are taking in the world around us and changing our environment.

The only way to completely embrace our humanity is to know that IT IS OKAY TO MESS UP!
Our mistakes are what create our experiences and shape us into who we are. Mistakes give wisdom, new ideas, and a basis to measure success.

Why We Must Forgive

Forgiveness is rarely easy but is always necessary. It is natural to make mistakes within personal relationships, at work, and I’m every area of life. Thus, we must be willing to give and accept forgiveness where it is due.

But what does it mean to forgive yourself?

Often, we are quick to forgive others while we spend our time berating ourselves for mistakes. It is far easier to give others grace with eyes that see their humanity. So why is it so hard to find that same grace for ourselves?

Giving yourself the space to make human mistakes and forgiving yourself for not being perfect in each moment is powerful. Yes, it is crucial to recognize where we can improve and act in better ways. However, it is far more effective to grant acceptance of the mistakes made and forgive the mistakes before moving forward.

Tell yourself: IT IS OKAY FOR ME TO MESS UP, now I can pivot, and act better than I did before.

The Takeaway


Any language you choose to use with this phrase, continue to remind yourself that it is okay to make mistakes.

It is okay to say things you don’t mean, to regret the past, to fall short of goals, or to not be the “best” person in the room. That is what makes you human. That is what pushes you to grow and change into the person you want to be.

Take your mistakes and use them to propel you to change. We can always be better as people, but we can’t get there without making a few mistakes first.

Be open to error, assess what you’ve done wrong, set new goals, and take action to change. Love your humanity and forgive yourself.