Grace & Grit

Treat People With Kindness

Humanity is the greatest thing we are blessed with on this side of heaven. God has given us the ability to make mistakes, learn daily, feel raw emotions, and grow into whom we are meant to be. Among these things, we learn how to love ourselves and love other people. We find that in our humanness, there is no perfection or reasonable way to expect perfection from others. In this same breath, we are called to accept and love others despite their transgressions. It is hard and it can be trying, but it is necessary as we live on this planet with others. In this love and acceptance, we must be KIND to one another. We must see humanity for what it is, in ourselves and others, and know that all beings are walking this earth just trying their best. There is grace that arises when we recognize this level of humanity. We tap into a kindness that cannot be reached if we do not first find the place in our hearts that blooms with love and appreciation for others.

There is a hardness that resides in this world. It is dark and is a result of brokenness and fear. Some people have not begun to understand the root of their pain and have difficulty walking through each day without being kind. It is especially hard to come into contact with these people and not feel a rise of anger and frustration. We may start to bubble with the desire to speak to them as they have to us, to return their transgressions with our own meanness. These are the most important time to respond with grace and realize that they may be hurting inside. This is the place where humanity resides the most because we all fall prey to the dirty emotions of hatred, regret, bitterness, and spite. We listen to the insidious thoughts in our minds that prompt us to lash out and take things out on others. In these moments, we must be able to recognize that our response of nastiness does not create an environment for kindness to grow. It does not let the flowers of love bloom, because the weeds of hate are choking them out. We must be willing to see the hurt in another person at these times and tap into the grace that we hold; let kindness become a transaction that takes place and start to see the chain reaction take place.

Hurt has the power to change our perceptions and make assumptions. Our insecurities can come forward in the times we are meant to be in community, connecting with new people or feeding the relationships we already have. We begin to judge ourselves and judge other people. We take our hurt and let it wiggle its way into how we see the world and how we see ourselves. It is important that we hold onto a mind of gentleness at these times, giving ourselves and others the space to be human. We must tap into compassion and realize that we are all human and all deserve kindness. Give kindness to others and give kindness to yourself. Judgment does not have an allowance to be in this world when we are all created as wonderful and perfect beings. God is the ultimate judge and we cannot assume that role for ourselves. Instead, we are to love and accept others, for we also have our own transgressions to atone for. Instead of meeting people with judgment and strife, meet them with the kindness we are responsible for. We can only create space for love, especially if we want to feel love for ourselves. Begin to shift the way you see and accept yourself; begin to shift the way you see and accept others.

Be kind to others, for we are all walking this earth searching for love and joy. We are not here to project hate and create sadness but to come together in connection and be joyful. Let this peace come into every area of your life, and provide this peace to each other as you show them kindness.

We deserve love. We deserve to give love. We deserve to feel loved.